
10 Ways to Stay Inspired

4:42 PM

Hello!  I'm very, very sorry for the lack of posts.  I had this post all ready to go up on Friday but I totally forgot to post it!  I just came back from my spring break trip and I decided not to bring my laptop.  Anyways, here is a post that I am a big fan of.  I really like writing theses 'inspiration posts', what do you guys think?
I find this is the time of year when I’m kind of in a slump.  Christmas is over and summer seems so far away.  I tend to lose motivation and find myself procrastinating doing almost EVERYTHING (i’m serious, i’m leaving for a spring break vacation tomorrow and I still haven’t even thought about actually packing....oops).  So today I am sharing with you 20 ways to stay inspired and motivated.

1. Watch a teen TED talk
AS much as I love super cool accomplished adults talking about their crazy cool lives, I actually prefer to hear it coming from a teen like me.  In case you are not aware, a TED talk is a short inspirational speech.  They have ones about leadership, science, racism, poverty, and almost everything else.  Here are some of my personal favourites:

2. Read a book
I tend to gravitate to books about girl/woman empowerment mainly because they make me feel like I can do anything and everything I set my mind to.  I really enjoy the books #GirlBoss and Smart Girls Get What They Want.

3. Make a 10 plan
I know, I know ten years is a LONG ways away.  I WILL BE 24 YEARS OLD OH MY GOODNESS!  Anyways, make a ten year plan is a good way to set you on your path to success.

4. Ask yourself what you want to do
Not in 5 years, not after you graduate high school or when you turn 18, now.  Today.  Society is constantly getting you to think about your life after you graduate high school.  What kind of job will you get, where will you live, how many kids do you want to have.  Do you ever realize that adults never ask you what you want to now?  It is almost like we have been programmed to think about the future instead of living in the moment.  Kind of weird when you think about it isn’t it...
*Yes I am aware that I pretty much contradicted what I suggested in #3 but what I mean by making a 10 year plan is not for you to completely plan out your life but for you to think about what to enjoy and apply that to what you may want to be doing in the future.

5. Write out your favourite quote
I have gotten very into hand lettering (and I'm actually pretty darn good at it) so I love to write out an inspiring quote and place it somewhere that I would see it frequently throughout my day.  Here are some of my favourites:

I live and breath all things yoga and I am a total hard core yogi (is that even a thing...?).  But seriously yoga is an amazing way to clear your head and get your creative juices flowing again.  I usually come up with my best ideas while I’m on the mat.

7. Reconnect with someone who you miss
Fire off that email to the friend from summer camp that you haven’t spoken to in ages.  Just do it.  Trust me, it will make you feel a lot better.

8. Get pinning
Yes my Pinterest obsession is still going strong. I think I actually have over 200 inspirational quotes pinned....

9. Make a wanderlust list
While writing this post I came up with this idea, a WANDERLUST LIST!  So the idea is pretty much the same as a travel bucket list but this is a way cooler name for it.  I recommend putting this list in a place that you will not loose.  Think about how cool it will be when your older to look at all the crazy cool places you wanted visit!

10. Tackle a few small projects
Instead of spending 3 hours on one big project, try to accomplish the small things first.  Not only does this allow you to get more things done but it also lets you receive that awesome feeling accomplishing something!

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  1. These are great ideas! I really need to try a bunch of them.:)


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