The Music Tag!

9:00 AM

Hey beautiful people!
For today's post, I'm going to be doing the music tag!
I was tagged by the lovely, Grace Anne over at Totally Graced.  If you haven't checked out her blog before, YOU NEED TO RIGHT THIS MINUTE. (i will wait... )  
And without further ado, let's hop right in!

1. Thank the person who tagged you and include a link to their blog (because we should help each other out!)
2. Answer the questions asked below
3. Tag 5+ bloggers and let them know
4. Add your own question to the end of the tag for your nominees to answer and answer it yourself (optional, but fun)
5. Include these rules in your post

Thanks for tagging me Grace Anne, YOU ROCK!

1. Do you play any instruments?
When I was younger I played the flute (I was a lazy child and I didn’t enjoy standing to practice, so I quit…).  In school I played the recorder but I was absolutely HORRIBLE at it.  Oh and I know a couple of easy songs on the piano!

2. What is your favorite music genre?
I like a mix between pop, indie and soul music the best.  

3. Is there a music genre you absolutely cannot stand?
Rap. Or Opera. Or country.  I’m very particular when it comes to music….

4. What is your favorite way to listen to music? (CD, MP3, Vinyl, Radio, etc)
Ooooh this is a toughy…..  I LOVE listening to music in the car, I totally belt it out.  But, on the flip side I do really enjoy Spotify because it allows me to create playlists featuring Camp Rock AND Hannah Montana AND High School Musical.  It’s like a 3 for 1!

5. Top three favorite bands/singers?
2. Hannah Montana (IM A KID AT HEART OKAY)

6. What are your three favorite chords?
I don’t really know what a cord is... oops.

7. What is your favorite song because of what it means to you?
I absolutely LOVE the song ‘Let It All Go’ by Birdy & Rhodes.  This song just captures so many emotions and I feel a really strong connection to it.

8. (Grace Anne’s Question!) What is your current favorite song? 
THIS IS SO HARD!  But I think I have to pick ‘Take Me Home’ by Jess Glynne.  Let’s just say it’s been on repeat for days….

9. (My question) If you could play any instrument, what would it be and why?
I think I would really like to play the violin.  It’s such a sophisticated instrument and it sounds so beautiful!


I tag everyone!  The music tag is a lot of fun and you should totally do it, if you haven't already!
I hope you all enjoyed the music tag!!

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  1. I'm so thrilled that you did this!! I loved reading your answers! <3


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