Let's Have A Chat...

8:18 PM

Hey gal pal.  Long time, no talk (yeah sorry about that...)

Ok so I'm just going to start this off my saying that I tried to make a blogging schedule (I really did I promise).  And then I kept it for like 2 weeks and then failed.  Which then lead me to discover that A. I suck at keeping blogging schedule and B. I can't force my mind to create content when it's feeling like stale bread.  So, I decide that I'm going to post when I can be proud of the content I'm producing.

School wraps up on June 21 so fair warning there will probably be little to non new posts because MATH, SCIENCE AND GEOGRAPHY EXAMS.  BUT after June 21 expect to see TONS of new posts going up very regularly because I tend to be really anti-social in the summer and pretty much sit inside on the computer for most of it so YAY TIME TO ACTUALLY BLOG.

Secondly I want to start a 'diary' series on my blog where I make posts, like this one, just telling you everything thats going on in my life at the moment (by the way did you know that ATM stands for at the moment in text talk and it makes complete sense because ATM machines produce cash at the moment that you want it!  BLAM MIND BLOWN.)

Anyways I just wanted to quickly update you guys on whats going on behind the scenes.  Oh and get excited because a super cool post is going to be up as soon as I stop procrastinating and actually edit it.   Btw if someone volunteers to come to my house and edit my posts for me that would be great thanks, you deserve all the rainbows in the world.



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  1. I'm terrible at keeping a blogging schedule, too. Can't wait to see more posts from you, and the diary series sounds great!


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