
10 Moments That Automatically Make You Feel Better

8:25 PM

You’re walking to school on a Monday morning, it starts raining and of course you don’t have an umbrella so you put your jacket on your head and start running down the street like a maniac.  Then when you get there you remember that you have a chemistry test and that your pretty much screwed. 

So hear is a list for one of these days.  A list about all the sneaky things that happen that make us feel like we run the world.  These little moments remind us that within all this negativity and bad vibes there is something brighter, and more beautiful out there.

So yeah, have a super cool, smiley day my friends and may it be filled with sparkles and happiness and little things that make you feel unstoppable!

Successfully balancing a pencil on your face.  2ND GRADE GOALS.
Remembering to drink water like WOW LOOK AT ME I’M BASICALLY A CAMEL NOW.
Waking up before your alarm goes off and thinking OMG MY ALARM IS GOING TO GO OFF ANY SECOND I CAN FEEL IT COMING then looking over and seeing that it’s 2:39am.
Peace out world, there is sleep to be had.
Drawing a straight line without a ruler.  This is a real accomplishment my friend.
Picking out an outfit, then trying it on and realizing that I LOOK LIKE A MODEL WHERE IS MY PRIVATE JET YOU PEASANTS.

Getting distracted while on a run and realizing that wait hold on sec I ran 200m more then I planned to.  I should write a fitness blog because I am so fit. 
Thinking that you watched the last episode of your fav t.v show in all of history then realizing that you still have 1 more episode.  I’ve never felt more relieved.  
Having someone else suggest ordering takeout because those calories don’t count if they weren’t your idea.
Walking past a dog and bonding with it on a whole other level.  Hmm... where will you sleep and what colour collar should I buy you?
Finding a super cute shirt and see that it is 50% off.  IT’S BASICALLY FREE YAY NO REGRETS!
PS I've decided to name my 'diary' series.... *drumroll please*.....
LET'S CHAT: the topic that i am writing about
Get excited because those posts are going to be coming at you very soon!!
Lots of Hugs,

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  1. Waking up in the middle of the night and realizing you still get hours more to sleep is basically the best feeling ever.

  2. Yes. The alarm Post is more than accurate. I love that feeling


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