Weekly Review

Weekly Review #3

11:00 AM

Hello darling!

How are you doing today?  I’m doing okay, a little stressed but okay.  My grandma is very sick and just has been taken into the hospital, so I’m quite worried about her.  I have a feeling that she will be okay because she’s a fighter, but I’m still worried.  I also have REALLY bad cramps today, like OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS!

On a more positive note, I recently came back from my spring break trip, which was a lot of fun.  My mum and I headed to the big city for 5 days and it was a great getaway.  I love exploring with my mum, she’s so adventurous and I’m so lucky to have her in my life.  Aren’t mums just the best?!

School starts again on Monday and I’m super pumped!  I honestly love school so much (besides math tests...) and I can’t wait to get back into the groove of things again.

Some of my very best friends and I have done a few super fun things over the spring break.  On Wednesday a couple of friends and I went to a yoga class together, then we went for some pressed juice at a local café down the street.  We also went to one of my friends house and played some Wii games.  I lost EVERY SINGLE TIME but I still had a great time!  Why must I be so rubbish at Just Dance 3!

I also baked some Easter cookies, and let me tell you, they were DELICIOUS!  They were Cadbury Mini Egg Chocolate Cookies and you can find the recipe here:
I’m literally sat here eating a cookie RIGHT NOW!

Anyways that’s all I have for you today, but I will leave you with an inspirational quote:

Have a wonderful week!


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  1. I'm so sorry about your grandmother!! That's so awful, I hope that she'll be alright. <3 Also sorry about the cramps, ugh.

    It sounds like you've had a really fun spring break! That's so awesome!! I can't wait for spring break oh my gosh.


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