

4:00 PM

One of my biggest pet peeves is stereotypes.  Comments such as ‘you scream like a girl’ or ‘you’re to pretty to be smart’ really get under my skin.  So what if I ‘scream like a girl’, I am a girl!  Most of the time these comments are said jokingly, but I always find them hurtful.  The sad thing, is that people do this all the time without even realizing it.  How many time have you accidentally said something like ‘she doesn’t know anything, she’s blond’ or ‘girls can’t be on the same team as the boys’.  Anyways what I’m trying to say is that you should think before you speak because sometimes your words can hurt people even if you don’t think they are offending.  Also, remember everyone is equal, no matter their gender or race or hair color.


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