
Smile :)

5:25 PM

It's funny how a day can go from horrible to wonderful in a matter of minutes.  This morning I was just in one of those 'funks' where you feel as though the whole world is against you.  But, as I was walking to school my crossing guard completely changed my mood.  She was telling me how yesterday, when I didn't walk home from school (my mom picked me up because she was in need of some caffeine) she stayed past when she was supposed to, in order to make sure I got home safely.  That honestly put a smile on my face for the whole day.  The fact that someone I see for a split second everyday cares that much about me warms my heart.

So, the message I'm trying to put across in this post is that even the smallest actions can totally turn someones day around.  I challenge you to do something nice to another person today.  Whether that's a smile or a compliment, it doesn't matter because it will help someone else in some way even if you don't realize it :).


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  1. Thank you for the inspiration! Will definitely be doing this more often. Love your blog!


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