
Secret Identity

11:00 AM

I’ve wanted to publish a post like this for a while, but I couldn’t figure out what I actually wanted to say.  So here goes nothing...

Hello, my name is Em.  Some of you may know a little bit about me because you read my blog (yay you!) and some of you may not know a single thing about me, which is okay too.  In case your new here this is all you need to know: I’m a high school student with huge aspirations to succeed in life and I love yoga.  That sums me up quite well.  Those of you who have seen or read my blog before might of noticed that there are no pictures of my face on this blog.  In some ways I have a secret identity.  

The internet is quite a fascinating thing if you think about it. It allows you to connect with people from all over the globe who you might not of even met before in person. Wow. That’s pretty darn cool if you ask me.  And that’s why I love the internet.  But, it is also why I hate it.  This super cool feature also allows people from around the world to judge you and say whatever they please about you without you even knowing that they exist.  This scares me.  If someone wants to criticize me I would prefer if they straight out told me.  Maybe I said something in one of my posts that offended you, in that case, I would like to know so that I can correct my wording in the post.  Anyways, what I’m trying to say is that people on the internet can be super nice and supportive or they can be mean.  This is why my identity is private.

I do not lack self-confidence (which is kind of weird because I’m literally ranting about how I don’t want people on the internet to know what I look like...).  I love me.  I live by the phrase “Keep your heels, head and standards high”.  Someone can tell me that my hair looks weird or my outfit doesn’t match and I just look at them and smile and simply say ‘Okay cool!’ and then I walk away.  You can have the self-confidence of a pop star and still not want to completely open yourself up to the online world.  

For me, my blog is a secret place.  No one knows about it and that’s honestly the way I like it.  It allows me to be me, instead of me, heavily influenced around what my peers want me to do.  Will I eventually expose my blog to my friends and family?  Probably.  Will I show my readers what I look like, on the outside?  Most likely.  But, for now, the answer to these questions is no and that’s okay.

So, what I’m trying to say is that be careful what you share with the world.  Expose yourself enough to make new friendships but not too much that people will take advantage of you.  The reality is that your blog readers will never know every little bit of your personal life, and that’s 100% okay.  I’m not at that point where I want to share everything with my readers and that is also 100% okay.


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  1. I totally understand you. Although for me, I stress out a lot more about my friends in real life reading my blog than I do perfect strangers, because I don't really care what someone I don't know thinks. But when it comes to my friends, I'm semi-terrified that they would think it's stupid. So for now, I'm private too:)


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