
Weekly Review

3:35 PM

I’ve decided to start a new little mini series on my blog called ‘Weekly Review’.  In these posts I will pretty much just be rambling on about stuff thats happened in the week.

First of all I started reading this new book called ‘Smart Girls Get What They Want’ and I’m totally becoming obsessed with it.  It reminds me of my friends and I because we are all SUPER completive when it comes to grades... Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing because we all motivate each other to get the best grades possible.  The only downfall to this is when you don’t do as well as you hoped on a assignment then all you can think about is how much better the other girls did then you.

I also have to chose my courses for next year (grade 10) which is REALLY stressful!  We get to chose 3 ‘elective’ courses (art, music, gym, etc) besides from the mandatory courses (english, math, science etc.). As much as I enjoy drama I’m not really interested in taking it next year and I have the artistic ability of a 2 year old, so I’m having a hard time picking elective courses.  I think I have decided on French, Grade 11 AP English and Grade 11 Chemistry.  I’m hoping to do a semester abroad in grade 11, so I’m trying to get all the hard grade 11 courses out of the way in grade 10.

Our schools senior drama class also just decided on a musical that they are going to put on (it’s still suppose to be a secret but whatever)... THEY ARE DOING HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL!  I am BEYOND excited about this because A. It’s HSM, aka the best thing thats ever existed on this planet and B. Since I’m in the junior drama class, I get to help and be a part of a few scene! YAY! (cue very high pitched screaming!)

This week I have also tried on focusing on that fact that we are all here for a reason so we might as well make everyday count.  Confidence and kindness can get you so far.  It’s not about the clothes you wear or the grades you get, it’s about how you treat others and the way you treat yourself.  Yesterday a girl in my math class gave me a compliment that honestly made me feel like I was on cloud 9 for the rest of the day.  She turned around to ask me a question about the homework but instead looked at me for a few seconds then said ‘You are honestly so pretty.’.  Everyone is beautiful in their own way but it just felt so amazing to hear that from someone who everyone at my school seems to think is a super model.  So, keep your head high but be sure to always stop to tell someone what makes them sensational.

P.S My friends and I are planning on going to the trampoline park tomorrow so that is also SUPER exciting!!
P.P.S  I have also been obsessed with listening to TED Talks recently, this is one of favourites that's definitely worth givingg a listen to.

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  1. Oh my goodness, Chemistry..I'll pray for you..
    HIGH SCHOOL MUSICALLL!!!!! That's so exciting OMG!
    Aren't compliments the best? It's funny how one little thing will make your entire day.
    Love your blog, dear <3

    1. I want to pursue a 'sciencey' career in the future so I'm trying to convince myself that I actually like science by taking lots and lots of it... Compliments are totally the best. I wish more people took the few seconds out of their day to make another person feel amazing. Thank you SO much! I love your blog too!


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