So very quickly today I just wanted to mention on here about this amazing project called The Mindfulness Summit. During the month of October, they will have a new podcast about mindfulness that you can listen too (for FREE) each day. I am super duper excited to learn more about mindfulness and this is a great way to do it!
Here is the link where you can sign up:
Remember it starts Oct.1 so sign up quickly!!
Hi everyone, welcome back to my blog, My Tumblr Life! I am so sorry for being gone for such a long time, it’s just the so many exciting and crazy things were happening and I had no time to share it with you lovely people!
First off, I just wanted to let you beautiful people know that I am going to re-launch my blog on Oct 1!! (cue clapping and cheering!) Hopefully there will 1 (or maybe two;) ) new posts going up on Oct.1 so look forward to those.
My October posting schedule is as follows:
Oct.1 (blog re-launch AND 2 new posts)
If anyone remembered in August I went to ALASKA! If you read my post about going you would have read that I was very intimidated by it. But, it was truly the most amazing trip in the whole wide world. If you ever have the opportunity to go or are in need of an epic adventure please, please, PLEASE go visit Alaska. I went on a cruise, which allowed me to make friends will kids from all around the world. This really blew my mind. I never thought that I would be able to say that I have friends that live in England, Holland, China and MORE! I was a trip that I will never forget.
*i will make a separate post with pictures a little later in October :)*
Also, in September I took the plunge onto a whole new school, where I didn’t know a single soul. But, I LOVE IT! On the first day a made a bunch of new friends and two weeks later I have already been invited to two birthday parties. I feel so incredibly lucky to have stumbled across such an amazing group of people. Unfortunately though, my other friends have very quickly drifted away. I haven’t talked to some of my old friends since the 1st of September. I feel bad that I haven’t talked to them, but I know that if they were wondering about me they would have made the effort to reach out to me. Some words to live by, “At some point you have to realize that some people stay in your heart but not in your life.”
Anyways it’s great to be back and I look forward to start posting more frequently starting OCTOBER 1ST!