Fashion & Beauty

Ban the Bead

4:00 PM

Lush recently launched the #BantheBead campaign and I think that it is so amazing.  This campaign is trying to eliminate micro beads (those little blue beads found in things like toothpaste and body scrub) from products.  What ends up happening is that these beads get washed down the sink and tub and cannot be filtered out of the water.  Therefore these tiny beads end up in lakes and rivers where fish mistake them for food (if fish eat these they usually die).  One tube of scrub can contain more then 300,000 beads that end up in our waterways.  So, I think that everyone one should check there products at home for them.  On the label they are listed as polyethylene, polyethylene terephthalate or polypropylene.  Products such as Bath and Body Works hand soap, most toothpastes and foot scrubs most likely contain these beads.  So, go help out the fish, save the waterways and BAN THE BEADS!


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