Hello beautiful people!!
I finished writing my first exam yesterday morning (which was absolutely horrible and it took me 4 HOURS) but after my other two exams on Monday and Tuesday I AM DONE. IT WILL OFFICIALLY BE SUMMER VACATION WOOT WOO!!!
I actually cannot believe that it’s June like I swear I was putting up my Christmas tree just yesterday and now it’s warm outside. WHAT.
Summer is actually a pretty big deal for me because there is LITERALLY snow on the ground where I live from October-May, that’s 8/12 months, which means that I live 67% of the year in SNOW. EW.
Anyways, it’s summer now so YAY. This also means that my freshman year of high school is over and I’m so sad. (ok I know what your thinking “argh is she really preaching ‘bout how much she loves school, like ew go away” BUT I PROMISE YOU MY HIGH SCHOOL IS GREAT AND I LOVE IT) So, I thought that I would summarize all the awesome things that happened.
I started high school at a school where I knew absolutely no one. But I thankfully met this one amazing little gal who introduced me to her friend group. BOOM I had 5 new best friends.
Also this month I was elected onto my school’s Student Council as Grade 9 Representative which was pretty cool (they announced your name over the announcements, it was pretty legit just sayin’)
Let’s just say that October was the month for emotional breakdowns and leave it at that. Okay? Okay.
BUT DECEMBER WAS WONDERFUL BECAUSE A. CHRISTMAS AND B. I GOT TO BE IN MY HIGH SCHOOL’S PRODUCTION OF ELF THE MUSICAL!! Okay so I didn’t actually have a real ‘part’ in the play but I was a background dancer and it was SO MUCH FUN.
To be honest I don’t really remember much of January as I was probably in post-Christmas depression, but I do remember exams which sucked but let's be real, when DON’T exams suck.
BUT FEBRUARY WAS GREAT! February was the start of semester 2 so I had all new classes. Thankfully I absolutely LOVED almost all of my classes which just made this semester go by so much faster.
During March Break my mum and I headed down to the big city for a couple of days just to get away which was oodles of fun.
Also right before Easter my grandma was admitted to the hospital. She had gotten the flu and when they brought her into emerge she got worse and worse. She spent 3 weeks in ICU and she was in a coma for 11 days. She is now still in the hospital and is slowly getting better.
April and May were pretty crazy months. In April I attended a couple of conferences and made some really great memories with my friends.
In May I played A LOT of tennis on my school’s tennis team (okay so I only went to one practice BUT I practiced on my own I promise) and we had our last Student Council event of the year, the ‘Year in Review’ assembly.
JUNE WAS PRETTY DARN AWESOME. First of all my school decided to put HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL as their spring production. OF COURSE I jumped on this opportunity to live my childhood dream, and let me tell you IT WAS AMAZING! This time I actually got a part* as one of Sharpey’s minions and IT WAS SO MUCH FUN OMG!
*at my high school the senior drama class puts on the production and sometimes they select certain grade 9’s or 10’s to have small parts. I WAS A LUCKY ONE.
Also in June was the Student Council re-elections. Unfortunately I did not get re-elected onto council, but that’s okay and I took the bad news like a boss (after a couple of tears first...)
I also got accepted into a medical summer program WHICH IM SO PUMPED FOR!!!!
And now we’re here. In the middle of exams. Emotionally unstable because the grade 12 are graduating and I love them all so much.
talk to me...
How was your school year? Ups, Downs? Are you excited for summer?
I have literally written this post 4 freaking times so let’s just cross our fingers that it actually sounds good and my words make some kind of sense this time. Okay? Okay.
I have wanted to change the ‘About Me’ page on my blog for about two months now but is it just me, or is it really hard to write about yourself because you don’t want to sound like some self-centered little toad. Maybe it is just me....
Anyways, my ‘About Me” page sounded too rehearsed and lame and I really hated it. It totally didn't describe my personality accurately because I can assure you, I am a pretty wacky gal.
So I’m going to stop blabbing now and introduce to you the real Emily.
Hey darling, I’m Em!
Some people look at me and see a weird meditating yoga person, or a strange teenage species that actually enjoys school and learning, or a girl who talks really loudly about things that people could care less about.
Those things are all true about me, and quiet accurate might I add, but they are not all of me.
I am a firm believer in dancing it out and I tend to laugh during the most un-laughable moments. I express my ideas loud and clear (AND IN ALL CAPS) and I’m not afraid of having big dreams. I love practicing yoga and screeching Camp Rock songs at the top of my lungs. I have a passion for medicine and my ultimate pump-up song is “Que-Sera” by my fav, Hannah Montana. My style could be described as 70s girl power mixed with sophisticated business woman (hard to imagine, BUT IT WORKS I PROMISE) and my biggest fear is failure.
I know, I know, my life is pretty complicated right? But don’t let that scare you. I am only a person, just like you. So come on, let’s go live the life of our dreams.
Time starts now.
What do you think? I hope I haven’t scared you off. If your still with me, leave me a comment below, describing yourself in just three words.
*mind blown*
I. WANT. TO. OPEN. A. SUMMER. CAMP. FOR. GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*okay i’m done with the caps i promise
Anyways, yeah this is my little baby right now that is still in the early stages BUT I ACTUALLY THINK IT’S GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*oops okay now i’m done for real
My vision is to have a overnight camp (maybe 3-4 nights) for girls aged 9-12 where we empower, create and explore. I want to inspire young gals to dream crazy big and work hard to make those dreams a reality.
So, I’m have been working super hard recently on a kick-butt website that so far looks SO GOOD.
Okay I know what your probably thinking right now: “Wow Em this is a great idea but wait aren’t you only like 14?” And to be perfectly honest, I was asking myself the same thing.
But then I realized, ‘What are we waiting for?’ Yes I may just be a 14 year old (soon to be 15) teenager but is there ever going to be a ‘right time’? I believe this this time, right now, is as good as any other time in the future.
Working on this project makes me feel like the true Emily. The super cool, rock star Emily. The Emily people are inspired by. The Emily who knows that she is a total GIRL BOSS and is proud of it too.
This is my dream and right now gal pal, and guess what...
I’m chasing it.
You’re walking to school on a Monday morning, it starts raining and of course you don’t have an umbrella so you put your jacket on your head and start running down the street like a maniac. Then when you get there you remember that you have a chemistry test and that your pretty much screwed.
So hear is a list for one of these days. A list about all the sneaky things that happen that make us feel like we run the world. These little moments remind us that within all this negativity and bad vibes there is something brighter, and more beautiful out there.
So yeah, have a super cool, smiley day my friends and may it be filled with sparkles and happiness and little things that make you feel unstoppable!
Successfully balancing a pencil on your face. 2ND GRADE GOALS.
Remembering to drink water like WOW LOOK AT ME I’M BASICALLY A CAMEL NOW.
Waking up before your alarm goes off and thinking OMG MY ALARM IS GOING TO GO OFF ANY SECOND I CAN FEEL IT COMING then looking over and seeing that it’s 2:39am.
Peace out world, there is sleep to be had.
Drawing a straight line without a ruler. This is a real accomplishment my friend.
Picking out an outfit, then trying it on and realizing that I LOOK LIKE A MODEL WHERE IS MY PRIVATE JET YOU PEASANTS.
Getting distracted while on a run and realizing that wait hold on sec I ran 200m more then I planned to. I should write a fitness blog because I am so fit.
Getting distracted while on a run and realizing that wait hold on sec I ran 200m more then I planned to. I should write a fitness blog because I am so fit.
Thinking that you watched the last episode of your fav t.v show in all of history then realizing that you still have 1 more episode. I’ve never felt more relieved.
Having someone else suggest ordering takeout because those calories don’t count if they weren’t your idea.
Walking past a dog and bonding with it on a whole other level. Hmm... where will you sleep and what colour collar should I buy you?
Finding a super cute shirt and see that it is 50% off. IT’S BASICALLY FREE YAY NO REGRETS!
PS I've decided to name my 'diary' series.... *drumroll please*.....
LET'S CHAT: the topic that i am writing about
Get excited because those posts are going to be coming at you very soon!!
Lots of Hugs,
LET'S CHAT: the topic that i am writing about
Get excited because those posts are going to be coming at you very soon!!
Lots of Hugs,
Hey gal pal. Long time, no talk (yeah sorry about that...)
Ok so I'm just going to start this off my saying that I tried to make a blogging schedule (I really did I promise). And then I kept it for like 2 weeks and then failed. Which then lead me to discover that A. I suck at keeping blogging schedule and B. I can't force my mind to create content when it's feeling like stale bread. So, I decide that I'm going to post when I can be proud of the content I'm producing.
School wraps up on June 21 so fair warning there will probably be little to non new posts because MATH, SCIENCE AND GEOGRAPHY EXAMS. BUT after June 21 expect to see TONS of new posts going up very regularly because I tend to be really anti-social in the summer and pretty much sit inside on the computer for most of it so YAY TIME TO ACTUALLY BLOG.
Secondly I want to start a 'diary' series on my blog where I make posts, like this one, just telling you everything thats going on in my life at the moment (by the way did you know that ATM stands for at the moment in text talk and it makes complete sense because ATM machines produce cash at the moment that you want it! BLAM MIND BLOWN.)
Anyways I just wanted to quickly update you guys on whats going on behind the scenes. Oh and get excited because a super cool post is going to be up as soon as I stop procrastinating and actually edit it. Btw if someone volunteers to come to my house and edit my posts for me that would be great thanks, you deserve all the rainbows in the world.
Ok so I'm just going to start this off my saying that I tried to make a blogging schedule (I really did I promise). And then I kept it for like 2 weeks and then failed. Which then lead me to discover that A. I suck at keeping blogging schedule and B. I can't force my mind to create content when it's feeling like stale bread. So, I decide that I'm going to post when I can be proud of the content I'm producing.
School wraps up on June 21 so fair warning there will probably be little to non new posts because MATH, SCIENCE AND GEOGRAPHY EXAMS. BUT after June 21 expect to see TONS of new posts going up very regularly because I tend to be really anti-social in the summer and pretty much sit inside on the computer for most of it so YAY TIME TO ACTUALLY BLOG.
Secondly I want to start a 'diary' series on my blog where I make posts, like this one, just telling you everything thats going on in my life at the moment (by the way did you know that ATM stands for at the moment in text talk and it makes complete sense because ATM machines produce cash at the moment that you want it! BLAM MIND BLOWN.)
Anyways I just wanted to quickly update you guys on whats going on behind the scenes. Oh and get excited because a super cool post is going to be up as soon as I stop procrastinating and actually edit it. Btw if someone volunteers to come to my house and edit my posts for me that would be great thanks, you deserve all the rainbows in the world.
For today's post, I'm going to be doing the music tag!
I was tagged by the lovely, Grace Anne over at Totally Graced. If you haven't checked out her blog before, YOU NEED TO RIGHT THIS MINUTE. (i will wait... ) And without further ado, let's hop right in!
1. Thank the person who tagged you and include a link to their blog (because we should help each other out!)
2. Answer the questions asked below
3. Tag 5+ bloggers and let them know
4. Add your own question to the end of the tag for your nominees to answer and answer it yourself (optional, but fun)
5. Include these rules in your post
Thanks for tagging me Grace Anne, YOU ROCK!
1. Do you play any instruments?
When I was younger I played the flute (I was a lazy child and I didn’t enjoy standing to practice, so I quit…). In school I played the recorder but I was absolutely HORRIBLE at it. Oh and I know a couple of easy songs on the piano!
2. What is your favorite music genre?
I like a mix between pop, indie and soul music the best.
3. Is there a music genre you absolutely cannot stand?
Rap. Or Opera. Or country. I’m very particular when it comes to music….
4. What is your favorite way to listen to music? (CD, MP3, Vinyl, Radio, etc)
Ooooh this is a toughy….. I LOVE listening to music in the car, I totally belt it out. But, on the flip side I do really enjoy Spotify because it allows me to create playlists featuring Camp Rock AND Hannah Montana AND High School Musical. It’s like a 3 for 1!
5. Top three favorite bands/singers?
2. Hannah Montana (IM A KID AT HEART OKAY)
6. What are your three favorite chords?
I don’t really know what a cord is... oops.
7. What is your favorite song because of what it means to you?
I absolutely LOVE the song ‘Let It All Go’ by Birdy & Rhodes. This song just captures so many emotions and I feel a really strong connection to it.
8. (Grace Anne’s Question!) What is your current favorite song?
THIS IS SO HARD! But I think I have to pick ‘Take Me Home’ by Jess Glynne. Let’s just say it’s been on repeat for days….
9. (My question) If you could play any instrument, what would it be and why?
I think I would really like to play the violin. It’s such a sophisticated instrument and it sounds so beautiful!
I tag everyone! The music tag is a lot of fun and you should totally do it, if you haven't already!
I hope you all enjoyed the music tag!!