Whether that be in sports, theatre, school or just life in general. So when something comes along and moves you three spaces back from where you were before, it can be hard to deal with.
I set ridiculously high standards for myself in school. Like I’m talking so RIDICULOUSLY high no one in their right mind could ever be consistent with. But yet I still follow these imaginary rules of what is a good mark and what isn’t.
So, when I don’t achieve what I set out to do I am downright disappointed. Even angry sometimes. Angry with myself for not studying harder and angry at my predetermined expectation of my outcome.
This week I considered the outcomes of many things to be failures. Not only did this totally take a toil of my self esteem, but it also made me so extremely unhappy.
But, through all this negativity, I discovered something.
Everyone fails sometimes.
Even the most amazing people in the world have failed before and THEY ARE STILL AMAZING PEOPLE!
Just because something may not turn out the way you planned it to doesn’t mean that you can’t succeed.
The next time something doesn’t work out. Look that not so good test mark or bad performance straight in the eye and remember that failure is just another pit stop on your way to greatness.