Their are two types of people in the world; there are the self-absorbed people and their are the people who care about everyone but themselves. I also believe that their is a hybrid type of people who care about themselves and others equally. Unfortunately in todays society the world is being over throne by self-absorbed people, we are un-balanced. This is because it is easier to care about one person instead of having to care about everyone. It is really sad.
But we can change, we can care about others, we can make a difference, we just have to want to. Naturally as humans our first instinct is to think; keep myself safe, look after myself, etc. so we have to push away that instinct and bring in a new one. One that tells us that we are all equal, other people have feelings too and that we need to love and care about everyone.
I wish I was selfless, but like most people, but I am not but that’s okay. If everyone was selfless then we would be in the same position, un-balanced. What I do strive to be though is that ‘hybrid’ type that I spoke of earlier. Actually I think that everyone should strive to be this ‘hybrid’ type. This would allow for balance, and most importantly love for everyone.
So, next time your making a decision, think about how the outcomes might affect others involved. Maybe saying no to going out for ice cream with your BFF because your too tired, might make her/him upset or angry because you already made a commitment or because that was the last time you could see them before they moved away. Trust me, I have been in the BFF position before, and these decisions really make you feel terrible and angry. Decisions that we make really do impact others, even if we feel like they don’t.
Remember, strive to be someone who cares about themselves and others equally.